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The Silent Striker Customer Reviews
:- 4.0 out of 5 stars from Nayu -- You don't have to like football to enjoy this book : I'm not entirely sure why I was so keen to read this book, seeing as Marcus is a boy, but I liked the sound of it and it's very engaging. I didn't guess it was the second in a series, I didn't feel like I was missing out on not knowing certain parts. Yes, there is a lot of talk about football – my eyes did glaze over some of the more descriptive parts, but for the most part I was caught up in the mixture of emotions Marcus had both before and after his hearing issues get diagnosed. It goes to show that it's easy not to pick up on a medical condition if the symptoms can be dismissed as behavioural issues. ( Reviewed in the United States on August 7, 2015 )
- 4.0 out of 5 stars from Anthony Hewitt -- It's True, The Silent Striker made me time travel : The sign of truly good writer is their ability to transport readers into the world they have created. My years in high school had such an impact on my life as it stands today and Peter Kalu was able to tap into that reservoir of memories and trigger emotions I haven't felt in some time. For the length of the book I was Marcus Adenuga - the main protagonist and football prodigy dealing with school, growing up, family, girls, racism and the challenge of deafness. But Marcus is made from sterner stuff and with his cast of characters, they will impede and help him to be a winner. I loved it. ( Reviewed in the United Kingdom on November 14, 2015 )
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:Amazon.Com: The Silent Striker (9781908446695): Kalu ... Amazon.Com: The Silent Striker (9781908446336): Kalu, Pete ... The Silent Striker De Pete Kalu - Goodreads.Com El Delantero Silencioso (Revisado) | Libreros De Luces De La Ciudad ... Pdf The Silent Striker - Bitbucket The Silent Striker - Hoperoad Publishing The Silent Striker | Booktrust The Silent Strike Silent Striker Silencers, 831 Vaaloewer Avenue ... Buy The Silent Striker: 2 Book Online At Low Prices In ... The Silent Striker de Pete Kalu, en la que Marcus, un talentoso futbolista, enfrenta y supera muchos de los desafíos de los jóvenes de su edad, es una adición bienvenida a la escritura británica de este género. The Silent Striker es una historia de gran inspiración sobre la aspiración, la superación y los logros humanos ". —Jacob Ross, autor. Hola Seleccione su libreta de direcciones ... El HOLGADOR SILENCIOSO . Marcus es el mejor jugador de su equipo de fútbol. Es tan bueno que existe una posibilidad muy real de que sea fichado por el equipo de fútbol Manchester United. Pero cuando descubre que puede estar perdiendo la audición, todo su mundo se cae a pedazos y se ve obligado a volver a armarlos por su cuenta. The Silent Striker (revisada) de Pete Kalu. Precio: $ 12,99. En stock + - + Añadir al carrito Resumen. Lidiando con la sordera, los amigos cambiantes, los padres locos y una escuela de 'medidas especiales', Marcus, de 14 años, tendrá que reunir toda la fuerza que pueda encontrar, tanto en los demás como en sí mismo. CBZR0AA1JFPM \\ Book « The Silent Striker THE SILENT STRIKER HopeRoad Publishing Ltd. Paperback. Book Condition: new. BRAND NEW, The Silent Striker, Pete Kalu, Marcus is the best player on his soccer team--a graceful, fluid force who can dominate the pitch. He's good enough, in 'A compulsive read, Silent Striker is the kind of novel parents in Britain have been looking for.' Jennifer Nansubuga Makumbi 'This is a book full to the brim with joy, heartache and passion for the beautiful game.' The Silent Striker. Marcus lives and breathes football. It seems he might even have the makings of a professional player. However, Marcus' life is about to change. For one thing, Marcus finds that he has acquired a girlfriend. Then there's the fact that he's getting into trouble in school. Finally, he discovers that he is losing his hearing. The Silent Strike. Full BBS website. Download RazorChat sysop pager for Synchronet. Silent Striker will be closed during the festive period from Friday, 18 December 2020 and will reopen on Wednesday, 06 January 2021. From all of us at Silent Striker we would like to thank all our customers for supporting us throughout the year. Amazon.in - Buy THE SILENT STRIKER: 2 book online at best prices in India on Amazon.in. Read THE SILENT STRIKER: 2 book reviews & author details and more at Amazon.in. Free delivery on qualified orders. A Brilliantly Realized Young Adult Novel, The Silent Striker Is Moving, Funny, And Uplifting By Turns As It Tells The Story Of What Happens When Marcus Sep 27, 2018 — The Silent Striker - Striker 2 (Paperback) Marcus Is The Best Player In His Football Team. He's Actually So Good That There's A Very Real Sep 27, 2021 — Discover The Silent Striker By Pete Kalu And Millions Of Other Books Available At Barnes & Noble. Shop Paperbacks, Ebooks, And More! Sep 27, 2018 — Read The Silent Striker By Peter Kalu With A Free Trial. Read Millions Of Ebooks And Audiobooks On The Web, Ipad, Iphone And Android. $9.99 In Stock The Silent Striker The Silent Striker | BookTrust The Silent Striker Paperback The Silent Striker The Silent Striker by Pete Kalu | Waterstones THE SILENT STRIKER by PETE KALU, Paperback Read The Silent Striker by Peter Kalu | Books
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